BioSpy Blood Collection Device

Next Generation Blood Collection Meets Advanced Microfluidics

The BioSpy device allows for painless¹ blood collection in the home, physician's office, or the workplace in as little as four minutes. Eliminating the need for a phlebotomist, centrifugation, and cold storage with a 70% reduction in total collection time² vs. traditional lab draws, the BioSpy blood collection device was designed for population based screening, and is the test of choice for both screening participants and laboratorians as BioSpy uses human serum as opposed to reconstituted dried blood, significantly increasing overall accuracy.

Painless Blood Collection


The BioSpy Blood Collection Device represents a generational leap in specimen collection, by painlessly and remotely collecting 500 µL (microliters) of blood, representing a 98.94% reduction in blood volume per patient vs a traditional lab blood draw. Sample viability and stability is achieved by SST gel preloaded into the microtainer, and ships with a simple cold pack. This allows for sampling in the home, at the workplace, or in the physicians office.

State of the Art


Equal to the generational advances of the BioSpy Blood Collection Device, the BioSpy Reference Laboratory can process specimens on as little as 3 µL of capillary blood. BioSpy's high complexity CLIA laboratory can result a single sample analyte or multiplex tests using the same sample to report multiple analytes. The BioSpy Reference Laboratory produces results with the same level of accuracy as traditional ELISA testing, across up to 21 analytes per specimen.


The Prime Minister of the Bahamas talks about BioSpy.

At a recent prostate cancer screening event in the family islands, Prime Minster Phillip Davis and Minister of Health Dr. Darville took the stage to emplore all Bahamians to screen for prostate cancer with BioSpy Prostate IQ®.

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Prostate IQ®

Spotlight: Prostate Cancer Screening

Dr. Pinto talks about BioSpy's Prostate IQ® test for prostate cancer screening.

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